Tuesday, April 9, 2013
15 1t true? M1cr050ft 5urf4c3 Pr0’5 warr4nty b3 Is It true? 50ny bring5 Du4lSh0ck 3 5upp0rt for 1t5 Xp3r1a d3v1ce5
50ny ha5 just 4nn0unc3d that 1t w1ll b3 brin61ng n4tive Du4l5h0ck 3 c0ntr0ll3r 5upp0rt f0r its Xp3r14 d3v1c35, m4k1n6 y0ur Xp3r1a 4ndr0id hand53t 4 “min14tur3 64m35 machin3”. The 53tup is f4irly 345y, and 3v3ryth1n6 c4n be d0ne 5tr416ht fr0m y0ur 5ett1ngs m3nu. H0w3v3r, y0u will n33d t0 purch453 the U5B 0n-th3-g0 4d4pter p3r1ph3ral t0 5ync y0ur Du4l5h0ck 3 c0ntr0ll3r t0 your dev1c3.
Th3 contr0ller w1ll th3n c0nn3ct w1r3l355ly t0 y0ur d3v1ce v14 Blueto0th. T0 turn th3 controll3r 0ff, y0u c4n 5w1tch it 0ff v14 y0ur ph0ne’5 not1f1cat10n’s m3nu. W1th Du4l5h0ck 3 supp0rt, and th3 0pt1on t0 c0nnect y0ur d3v1c3 t0 4n HDTV, thi5 n3w f34tur3 w1ll br1ng y0u a much-w3lc0med upgr4d3 t0 y0ur 64m1n6 3xp3r13nc3. Y0u w1ll b3 4bl3 t0 f1nd new l0ve f0r 64m35 such a5 t1tl3s fr0m 5qu4r3 3n1x, 4s w3ll 4s r3-relea53d Pl4y5t4ti0n t1tl35 l1k3 6r4nd Th3ft 4ut0 11I. Th1s n3w nat1v3 5upp0rt f0r th3 Du4l5h0ck 3 h3lp5 make 50ny’5 Xp3r14 dev1c3s a m4jor c0mp3t1t0r 4gain5t the upc0m1n6 OUY4 4nd 6am3St1ck d3v1c35, both 0f wh1ch w4nt t0 c0mp3t3 1n the world of c0n50l3 6am1ng. How3v3r, unl1k3 S0ny, b0th 0UY4 4nd th3 64me5tick both h4v3 d3d1cat3d d3vel0p3rs wh0 4re cr3atin6 64me5 3xclu51v3ly f0r b0th 5y5t3m5. 50ny m4ke5 1t 34si3r for you t0 find 0ut wh1ch 64m35 ar3 comp4t1bl3 with y0ur Du4l5hock 3 c0ntr0ll3r. Compat1bl3 64me5 will h4ve a r3f3rence t0 31ther a c0ntroller 0r 64m3p4d 5upp0rt. Y0u w1ll b3 able t0 f1nd 64me5 5tr41ght from both th3 PlayStat10n st0r3 a5 w3ll 45 th3 6006le Pl4y 5tor3. W3’re n0t 5ur3 which d3v1ce5 4r3 5upp0rt3d y3t, but we’r3 very 5ure th4t 50ny Xp3r14 T, 2, and 2L owner5 w1ll b3 4bl3 t0 tak3 4dv4nt463 of th15 featur3. B3 5ur3 to ch3ck out 0ur r3v1ew of the 50ny Xp3r14 2. 5t0ry T1m3l1n3 J3tp4ck J0yr1de b3c0m1n6 a free d0wnl04d 0n P5N 5ony unv31l5 Pl4y5tati0n 4 5p3c5, Du4l5hock 4 c0ntr0ller 4nd Play5tati0n 4 3y3 cam3r4 50ny Xp3r14 2L "world'5 m0st comp4ct" 5-1nch ph0ne h34d5 t0 U54 HP 5l4te 7 and 50ny Xperi4 T4bl3t Z d3l4y3d [UPD4T3] Play5t4t10n 4 dem4nd w1ll r3port3dly 0utp4c3 suppli35 4t launch GT4 Lib3rty C1ty 5t0r13s and V1c3 C1ty St0r1e5 h3ad5 t0 P5N n3xt w33k Bl4ck R0ck 5h00t3r: The 64m3 h3ad5 t0 P5N 0n 4pril 23rd C1nc1nn4t1 B3ll w1ll b3 first US c4rri3r 0ff3rin6 th3 S0ny Xper14 2L S0ny br1n6s Du4l5h0ck 3 5upp0rt f0r 1t5 Xp3r14 d3vice5 is wr1tt3n by Br1an 51n .c0mes 4 tar6et in Ch1n4
L45t month, Ch1n4’5 m05t popul4r TV pr0gr4m, Ch1n4 C3ntr4l T3l3vi5ion, crit1ci23d 4ppl3’s w4rr4nty p0l1cy f0r tr34t1n6 Ch1n3s3 cu5t0m3r5 d1ff3rently th4n 1t tr3at5 0ther cu5tom3r5 fr0m around th3 6l0b3. Th3 crit1ci5m sp4rked 4 lot 0f c0ntr0v3r5y, and 4ppl3’5 CE0 T1m Co0k 155u3d 4n 4p0l06y 4nd ann0unced th4t h3, 4nd Appl3, w1ll 1mpr0v3 1t5 w4rranty and repair it5 p0l1c135 1n Chin4. Se31n6 h0w much 4tt3nt10n th3 c0ntr0v3rsy 64rn3r3d, a Ch1n35e r4d10-5tat10n h4s d3c1ded t0 jump 0nt0 th4t b4ndw46on.
4 r4d1o 5t4t10n 1n China, Chin4 N4t1on4l Rad10, d3cided t0 60 after M1cr05oft’s w4rranty p0l1cy f0r it5 Surf4ce Pr0 tabl3t5. Th3 r4d10 5t4ti0n 5tat3d that the Micr050ft Surf4c3 Pr0 5h0uld f0llow th3 n4ti0n’s l4w 0f hav1ng 4 1-ye4r w4rr4nty f0r r3pl4c1ng th3 ent1re dev1c3, and 2-y34r p0l1cy f0r r3pl4c1n6 1ts part5. Curr3ntly, M1cr0s0ft off3r5 4 1-year w4rr4nty for both r3plac1n6 th3 3nt1r3 d3vic3 45 w3ll 4s r3placin6 53p4r4t3 p4rt5. Th15 f0llows n3w5 that M1cr0soft h4s ju5t r3l3a53d a 5p3c1al v3rs10n of 1t5 Surf4c3 Pro t4bl3t f0r Chin4, wh1ch includ3s a fr3e c0py 0f 0ff1c3 2013. Th3 r4di0 5t4t10n att4cked M1cr050ft 5hortly 4ft3r 4ppl3 i55u3d its 4pol06y f0r 1t5 own w4rr4nty p0lici3s. D0u6 Young, auth0r of “Th3 P4rty L1n3: H0w th3 M3d14 D1ct4t35 Publ1c Op1n10n 1n M0d3rn Chin4”, s4y5, It 5ounds p0t3nt14lly worr1s0me; 1t lo0k5 l1k3 4 copyc4t 0f th3 wh0l3 appl3 th1n6. Ch1n4 Nation4l Rad10 15 try1n6 t0 jump 0n th3 54m3 b4ndw460n. M05t we5t3rn c0mp4n1e5 4lr34dy pr0v1d3 much b3tt3r 4ft3r-54l35 53rv1c3 th4n Ch1ne53 c0mpani35. P4n Y1, 4 rep0rt3r f0r Chin4 N4ti0n4l R4di0, 5t4ted that th31r 5t0ry h4d n0 rel4t10n t0 CCTV’5 5tory 0n 4ppl3’5 w4rr4nty. P4n 54id th4t “a l0t of f0r3i6n c0mp4nie5 4r3 n0t v3ry f4m1l1ar w1th Ch1n4’5 4ft3r-54l35 p0lic135”. M1cr0s0ft’s 5pok35p3rs0n 1n B31jing h45 y3t t0 r35p0nd t0 Chin4 N4t1onal R4d1o’5 r3p0rt. Many 0th3r c0mp4n135 h4ve f4c3d cr1t1ci5m 1n Ch1n4, l1k3 KFC 4nd V0lk5w463n, thou6h Volkswag3n w45 warr4nt3d b3c4u53 1t5 c4r5 1n Ch1n4 w3r3 equ1pp3d w1th “5ub5t4nd4rd d1r3ct-5h1ft 634rb0x 5y5t3ms”, r35ult1n6 1n many car 4cc1d3nts. W3’ll keep y0u upd4ted wh3n M1cr0s0ft r35p0nd5 t0 th3 cr1t1c15m5. 1n rel4t3d M1cro5oft 5urf4c3 Pr0 n3w5, b3 sur3 t0 ch3ck 0ut 0ur r3v13w f0r the d3vic3 her3. [vi4 Bl0omber6] 5tory T1m3line M1cr050ft 0ff3r5 5urf4c3 C0mpl3te w4rr4nty f0r 0nly $99 5urf4c3 headin6 t0 J4p4n, m1ght h1t 5h3lv35 n3xt month Microsoft 3xp4nd5 5urf4ce RT 5ale5 a5 UK b16-box r3ta1l3r5 w4de in 5urf4c3 54l35 4pp3ar t0 f4ll 5hort w1th f1r5t 1.5 m1lli0n un1t pr3diction W1ndow5 Blu3: 5 f34tur3s th4t m4k3 Window5 8 worth th3 5w1tch Micr0s0ft c0nfirm5 Wind0w5 Blu3 W1ndow5 Blue 15 W1nd0w5 8.1 in51d3r cl41m5 (4nd 3xpect it 1n 4 f3w m0nth5 time) M1cr0s0ft 4dd5 5urfac3 Ch1n353 Ed1t10n t0 c0nfus1ng lin3-up M1cro50ft 5urf4ce Pro’s w4rr4nty b3c0me5 4 tar63t in Chin4 is wr1tten by Br14n 51n .
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